Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I only came along because I'm going out with his sister...

I must admit that I only discovered these guys via the internet this year. Armstrong & Miller are an English sketch based comedy duo in the vein of Fry & Laurie and the like (very well educated and quite clever). They did a great series of sketches in which they portray WWII British Air Force (RAF) officers, replete with posh upper class look and accents, except that they talk as if they are high school boys from the late 90s with all the lingo. The contrast between how they look and what they are saying is very funny. Below is one of my faves where they have been shot down over Germany and are being interrogated by a German officer:

Here is a link to all 8 sketches in the series. Note: some are numbered and some are repeated posts…

I liked them so much that I downloaded them so I can watch them when I like without wasting bandwidth/download quota every time (via a handy Firefox add-on).

Hope you enjoy too…


Anonymous said...

Hilarious clip. They're very good. Loved the line in response to passive smoking:

"its a kind of murder"

Brilliantly PC in a wartime context.

Jacobunny said...

Right you are welsh dragon, they capture the tone of voice and expression of the youth of the time so well. For example his response to being corrected as to the location of Boulogne:

Whatever, I was away when we did geography, my nan died...


Rachel said...

I finally got off of dial up and had a chance to watch it! I love comedy with intelligent design!

Jacobunny said...

Did you get over your monthly data threshold watching pointless but amusing internet video clips Rachel?!

You must be on the 1 or 2 GB plan, I remember those days, makes me appreciate living with another couple - the buying power of 4 means that we were on a 6GB/month plan that randomly got upped to 10GBs from this month. Nice. We haven't run this lot out yet but we were constantly going over the 2GB cap...yay for broadband!

Jacobunny said...

PS: was that a a belief about the 'beginnings of the universe' reference in your comment...? ;-p

Rachel said...

I'm not telling...

Anonymous said...

Here's a slice of Welsh comedy "I like touching people"...


Absolutely Seriously funny.

Jacobunny said...

welsh dragon, is that a comedy sketch show from Wales? It wasn't too bad but i've never come across it before...