Monday, July 10, 2006

Two Sermons??

Below are the notes I took from two sermons given at a recent national Wesleyan church convention I attended. The notes are in no way representative of the quality of the speakers or of their homilies. I can most likely give you a reasonable summary of what, at least, Glen spoke about and probably a little about what Edgar said as well.

Sometimes I just need something else to help engage me as I go. This reminds me somewhat of lectures during my first degree where an inordinate amount of poetry got written (a small amount of which was not too bad) and plenty of word games were played.





Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wesleyan Healing

Baby, you know I'm suffering
I need your lovin'
And with that Aldersgate feeling
I need Wesleyan healing
(It's good for me) Wesleyan healing

Talking entire (sanctification)
It's a conversation, our distinctification
John and Charles (Wesley)
I get that 'strangely warmed' feeling
I need Wesleyan healing, Wesleyan healing

Makes me feel so fine
Helps to renew my mind
I can't hold it much longer
It's getting stronger and stronger

Wesleyan healing, Wesleyan healing
Wesleyan healing

Entire Skanktification, 2006.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Library Perspex 2006

I went to a work ‘presentation’ on 21 Feb this year with a number of other staff members. The idea was to get broader recognition and understanding of various large scale library projects through a bit of information dissemination from the key players (read ‘management’). On the whole this was pretty boring, though there were some interesting parts. To help wile away the morning I took copious notes from each speaker’s session, but only the words that appealed to me at the time. The following are those notes – a kind of summary of the morning, and more importantly, the pies the library has its fingers in. I hope you get some perspective from these as I have…

(NB: Speakers’ names have been shortened to initials to provide some measure of anonymity)

HR said:
stars; airing; initiatives; Jill; approximately; wrap; schedule; hop.

JC said: too many; challenging; doing; institutional; statistics; Australasia; UNSW; same; bibliographic; blitz; 2 or 3 thousand; Springer; fine; usage; point; huge; centre; here; classy; substantial; engineers; ratio; 80s; can; landscape; library; servicing; declining; country; to like; contestable; reliance; markets; Bologna; Scandinavian; attracted; smarten; major; last; crazy; lucky; leverage; special; subscribed; actions; allowed; giving; impact; event; 94; roll; with; the web; good; ensure; sons; issue; one; vendors; clear; design; mechanisms; job; expectations; face-to-face; solo; incorporate; huge; ahead; campus; pipes; hiccups; devices; rate; directory; size; least; data; levels; one; RIMS; critical; position; software; faculty; running; videos; network; self-service; deliver; gateway; sensible; help; overly; exciting; letters; jump; commons; capital; even; keep; whether; recognised; harder; enormously; law; emails; more; poetry; images; costly; skills; adopted; senate; pays; numbers; huge; again; library; marketing; tailor; us; interim; moment; paranoid; ran; mark; utilised; image; tomorrow; ensure; I; year; outages; loan; not; down; just; align; area; e-books; maximise; graduate; huge; really; papers; pilot; grid; around; won; anything.

BF said: monkey; then; stages; podcasts; spectrum; couple; Britain; tools; concept; dump; capture; been; server; masses; tree; multi; our; 50; floppy; files; essence; migrate; virtual; key; store; well; medium; output; background; South Hampton; theses; harvest; bells; widely; sophisticated; manage; intelligence; end; hierarchical; worth; please; remains; remove; perl; persistent; on; article; happening; repositories; should; access; providing; model; grabs; takes; knew; benefits; likelihood; tiered; Google; efficiency; report; tap; quickly; understand; won’t materials; overheads; charges; mean; live; visible; hosting; thoughts; relationship; other; instance; talking; economics; grey; many; dynamic; different; library; published; links; voluntary; starting; need; using; cancel; always; academics; value; barbs; dissatisfaction; growth; way; text; players; finishing; advisory; plans; scope; agreed; fill out; aware; soon; Janet; new; better; limited; how; consent; morning; aggregating; peer; English; international; alternative; part; learn; presentations; tearoom; worries; seamless; related; directly; gentleman; embedded; ironing; complete; front; still; redefinition; light; Cecil; committee; backwards; curve; creation; easier; more; driving; listed; available; Voyager; inside; interesting; Pacific; open; protocols; touch; develop; dub dub dub; possible; feeds; books; reader; tour; download; watch; tackle; streaming; customise; revamp; look; things; all; changes; digital; pulled; concerned; OPAC; resolvers; product; requirements; stuff; reliant; priorities; rebranding; types; space; search; local; layer; philosophy; boil; outsourcing; support; struggled; Z39.50; flavours; scraping; doesn’t; XML; speak; among; suppose; interface; terms; automatic; from; collections; federated; unknown; button; elsewhere; wait; pretty.

CW & JI said: thank you; dual; leaping; most; raise; bit; exchange; Australia; standards; conform; now; compliant; 2004; live; staff; aim; via; where; emphasise; been; patron; simultaneously; slows; reasons; yeah; default; friendly; come; advanced; number; click; status; missing; ahead; preferred; off; want; know; holdings; individual; save; option; entries; guess; system; somebody; ILL; populated; chapter; change; right; pulled; other; into; straight; own; handling; turnaround; allow; progress; cause; happens; author; real; bottom; official; already; VDX; authenticated; suppressing; both; selected; well; second; best; ideal; afraid; big; extra; train; go; printed; show; face; first; free; after; charging; effective; phased; diverse; exactly; posted; even; imagine; please.

HR (ELSAC) said: core; support; being; students; experience; know; report; very; huge; speaking; language; do; need; extensive; don’t; think; okay; case; much; applied; crap; anecdote; sentence; cheese; Royce; cute; point; work; located; specialised; with; one-on-one; appropriate; catalogue; practical; audio; easy; skip; invite; analysis; computer; pickup; monitoring; services; her; scratch; done; final; enrol; essay; skills; understand; topics; job; good; use; number; pleased; quite; room; couple; portal; go; meet; stigma; consider; in; feedback; clear; asking; show; portfolio; software; deselect; context; here; ELSAC; example; run; bring.

HM said: flexible; happening; joined; single; all; new; Firefox; Acrobat; constantly; trial; even; keen; Grafton; smaller; anymore; released; your; busy; libraries; Ricohs; public; campus; implementing; cash free; unmanned; have; credit; Sylvia; wireless; issue; cause; laptops; rolled; level; places; priority; borrow; powerpoints; frequency; world; tracking; self-return; stage; writer; told; request; online; approach; novel; really; promotional.

HR said:
bag launch; onions; soon; clients; free; take; buy; confronted; press; together; little; connect; shape; bumped; silly; yourself; mosaic; session; listening; applause.

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Bluesers

Nice. A friend referred to my local rugby team as "The Bluesers" due to them losing their first two games of the season. I thought it was a pretty amusing title and it suited my mood after two disappointing results. I have a feeling the moment I stop backing them is the moment they might pull finger...

Blankety blank blank blank.

Friday, January 27, 2006


When I was a boy* previews were things that came on rental videos, mostly before, but sometimes after, and less often, before and after, the "feature presentation". I've always liked watching movies, so seeing shorts, trailers, previews - whichever you prefer - was something of a bonus rather than a necessary evil to fast-forward through (corded remote control not withstanding).

For me nowadays these things - Previews - tend be (s)wanky affairs involving a lot of standing round drinking wine and eating nibbles (unless you get there early and get one of the too few seats) with a bunch of other people all looking round to see if they can spot that elusive "somebody". I often wonder who the rest of the people in the crowd are and why they're there. They can't all be reviewers can they? Sure, there are likely to be members of the cast and crew and their families and friends - if it's a local production. There'll be a couple of people from the distribution company, and of course everyone gets two comps so friends, partners and spouses thicken the mix. Still that must leave a fair gaggle of opinionated egotists, perhaps like myself, who feel that their thoughts are of great value and may somehow be representative. Scary.

A couple of glasses of wine, maybe some coffee, and a few of those small chicken 'bits' later and you're in a theatre whilst someone of relative importance is near the front - though usually off to the side?!? - giving a wee spiel about the film, inevitably ending with their own personal take on the "I hope you like it" plea. To be honest, I totally agree. I hope I like it too. And sometimes, after the next hour or two or three of viewing I come to the conclusion that I do. Sometimes I don't. But hey, I didn't pay to be here, and I get to say what I think about the film regardless.

Once the film ends the whole show is over pretty quickly and everyone disperses - some looking pensive, others verbally climaxing right in front of everyone. The wine and nibbles are long forgotten. The introductory spiel a distant dream. Hopefully the contents of the film are not quite so easily lost.

We get to see films before they are officially released then have the responsibility of giving some sense of what an audience can expect, without spelling out the storyline. The ironic thing is that these film previews almost never come with film previews...

*Actually, we only got our first video player when I was about 11. The first movie I rented was Conan the Barbarian. This will give you some idea as to my vintage.

Friday, January 20, 2006

First seed

Nothing special.
Just an excuse
to get this thing up
and running.

Here is a poem that was written some years ago:

Four Stages Please

Life writhes between your sweaty fingers thought you had a good grip on tv someone’s trying to fit eight and a half minutes of viewer entertainment between two forty minute chunks of moulded plastic you cared for nine of them until the bus came and you took a seat went somewhere seat’s comfortable enough uh oh tension mounts as the selection committee arrives not the fat guy guilt don’t stare could be harassment still waiting waiting something’s wrong light flashes now you’re paranoid breath is tested casually hope no one saw the hand probably a yawn doesn’t matter social conditioning still it won’t go finally but it’s still tense she doesn’t care or even want to know and you don’t try nerves probably thought there weren’t more five minutes of not looking uncomfortable silence except you wish you could shut up and it’s your stop lucky someone else pulled the cable someone else always pulls the cable
Anyone else find riding the bus to be a sometimes awkward experience?